How awesome does it feel to have a positive impact on the lives of others – especially those who need it most. I’m taking the leap!
This is for charity, so I am sending this email to you, to personally ask for your support to help me raise funds to support Easter Seals and their programs.
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on charities’ ability to fund much needed community programs to support people in our communities who need support the most. Charitable fundraisers like Drop Zone are more important than ever to raise awareness and desperately needed funds.
On Tuesday, September 15th, I will be rappelling down 25 storeys of the Central City Office Tower in Drop Zone Surrey to raise much needed funds to support children, youth and adults with diverse abilities across BC and Yukon. With your support, Easter Seals will be able to continue to provide essential programs and services that help all people with diverse abilities address life’s challenges and gives them the tools to build their self-esteem, self-confidence and sense of independence. This is especially important and meaningful in today’s environment.
I don’t usually would not ask for your support with anything lie this, but this is an exception! I would really appreciate your support in reaching my fundraising goal. Every amount helps! It only takes a couple of minutes to give and have an impact. These programs simply cannot exist without the generous support of people like us. #Peerpressure #shamefulpitch #desperateplea
Last year the HAVAN Heroes team was able to raise over $23,000 for Easter Seals! Our goal is to top it this year, and I need your help to do so.
Visit this page to donate: https://eastersealsbcy.akaraisin.com/ui/dropzonebc2020/participant/6118104?Lang=en-CA
“I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I can’t change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit.” ― charles de lint
Every donation helps: • $47 is a day of nutritious snacks and meals for a camper • $100 is a day at camp for a child with diverse abilities • $400 supplies one week of art supplies at camp • $500 supports employment and skills training programs
Thank you so much for your support in advance!
With gratitude,